
» Church Plantation

Constructed pucka church in challapalli town. It is the main church. Th congregation is now 250 members. As per the planning, we need to construct 5 church's in different places.

» Orphan Home

Presently the orphan home is running with 21 children. We have a pucka building for boys but girls are staying in a rented house. We need to construct a small building for girls. We have appointed teachers to improve the education standards of the children.

» Income Gneration Programme

Under the women empowerment program the widows are running a small business that is petty shops, clothing business, seasonal fruits selling, vegetable vendors and the organization is giving microfinance loans to these beneficiaries.

» Relief Activity

At the time of emergency. The organization is actively participating in relief activities during the year 2014. Collected donations and gifts for distribution of Rice, Dal, clothing, utensils, and water packets. The donors are immediately responded to these emergency reliefs. For these activities, we need 4 wheel vehicle for travel.

» Pastors Support

25 Pastors are working in remote villages. They are running churches without any support. Offerings are not sufficient to maintain the family. We all are doing teamwork and traveling very far. During the nighttime, we are facing a lot of problems to travel. So our pastors, Evangelists need bicycles and monthly support.

» Women Fellowship

The women fellowship consists of 58 members. The fellowship was led by the Rev. Vijay Kumar (Pastor Wife). Every month we are conducting fellowship meetings and strengthening the women in Christ.

» Widow's & Oldage Activity

The services giving to the widows are Food & Shelter. They are giving witnesses in every meeting, clothing distribution is done every year twice. Some of the widows are aged 65 and some of them are below age 40.


In Indian Economy Women plays a vital role in the development of social and economic conditions. Now a day’s women want to stand on their own legs for their livelihood and dignity of life in the society. Also they support the family financially. In this context SOLACE FOUNDATION decide to start and run Vocational Education and training centers in the operating areas. Our working areas is totally Economically Back word area and People were looking for some bodies guidance and assistance to get training and efficiency in various fields like Computer Education, Tailoring, Embroidery. There is an immense need of setting up and running these vocational training centers in these areas. Most of the young women, house wives, widows, were get benefited by these centers and stand on their own legs without depending on anybody for their livelihood. In our Training Centers we modulate them with well experienced faculties and training programmes on their respective fields.