
Solace Foundation works to improve the financial conditions of the downtrodden people and develop the poor and needy people socially, psychologically, culturally, and educationally.

Solace Foundation is a non-profit and non-government organization. The organization was established in 2005 by Dr.Rev.Devadanam. By the grace of God, the organization's activities are growing with limited funds. The main objective of the organization is to uplift the downtrodden communities and sick people. Though education provides minimum needs (food, clothing, and shelter), health and income generation programs will proceed.

To empower the people through social, economical, cultural and spiritually through self help approach with the motto of "LOVE IN ACTION".


Solace Foundation's vision of being emancipation of people and fostering a society based on equality, liberty, dignity, and fraternity has set the goal of reaching in the love of JESUS.

» Mission Statement

"To change the status of poor who are living below poverty line, to a respectful status. To flourish poor families by fulfilling their basic needs and educate their children. To make them part of Ecosystem to play their role in the society and to work on poverty of rest of the society."